WELCOME HOME to the Sheffer Family!! This sweet couple and their 2 sons just purchased their Hidden Valley Lake home and I couldn’t be more happy for them! When we started working together I quickly learned we had a time restraint obstacle to overcome. The rental home they were living in had just been listed for sale, which meant the clock was ticking for us to find their dream home and fast! Ultimately, we were able to secure a lovely place that they can now call #HOME. Having a solid team behind you every step of the way is key! An experienced Realtor, Lender & Escrow Officer can make all the difference. If you are looking to buy, I am happy to help navigate you through the process to your Dream Home too ~ Contact Faylen Silva for more details!
#FirstTimeHomeBuyerSpecialist #DreamHome #LiveInLakeCounty #LiveInHiddenValleyLake #Realtor #FaylenSilva